Tuesday, January 10, 2012


My Testimony Of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

I am so grateful for the gift of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that has been given to me. What a privilege it is to have the knowledge that I do of our Savior and his plan of happiness. I know that the plan of salvation is real and that we met at a council in heaven and it was there we were told that we would be sent to this earth. That would be given a body and that we would have struggles and hardships but that if we were faithful we would be able to return to live with our Father in Heaven.
 I am grateful that our Heavenly Father loved us enough that He sent His son Jesus Christ to be atoned for our sins, sorrows and pains. I know that Jesus suffered for my individual shortcomings, and heartaches. I have a very real knowledge and testimony that he knows all the pains and hurt that I have felt and that He knows me on a very personal and real basis. I am so grateful for this gift of our brother Jesus to suffer for us. I am grateful for His life and ministry and for the perfect life he lived and gave. I am so grateful for His example and I strive to live my life as he would and in a way that would be pleasing to Him. I know that He created this world and I am grateful for all the things he put on this earth that are so beautiful and are for our enjoyment.
I know that the Prophet Joseph Smith saw God the Father and His son Jesus Christ in the Sacred Grove. It was here that as a 14-year-old boy he knelt down to pray to ask which church he should join. It was then that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to him in person with physical bodies. They told Joseph that he should join none of the churches and that although they each had some truth to them none had the fullness of the Gospel. After this vision Joseph in the next many years helped to organize the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He also was given the gold plates in which he was to help translate with help from God. The gold plates were a record of the ancient people of America and another testament of Jesus Christ. I know that through the power of God he translated them and brought about the Book of Mormon. I know that this book is true and all the principles therein will bring us true happiness as we follow the example of the prophets and most of all our Savior Jesus Christ,
I know that we were sent here in families to help support each other and strengthen each other. I am grateful for the Temple and the ordinances there that allow us to be with our families not only in this life but also in the next life. I am grateful to be sealed to my husband Josh and that we can be together with our future children for eternity. I know that I must work hard and be faithful all of my life for these blessings to come to pass.
I know from personal experience that the principles of the Gospel and righteous living bring us the most happiness. That when we are serving others, keeping the commandments, attending the temple, and working to build the Lord’s kingdom here on the earth that we feel closest to our Savior and feel the most joy.
 I know that we have a latter-day prophet president Thomas S. Monson who leads this church. I know that he is directed of God to give us counsel and wisdom on the things we should do in these last days. I am grateful for the gift of the Holy Ghost that helps me to feel inspiration, to feel comfort and to warm me of dangers both physically and spiritually. I know that this Gospel is the only one that is true. I know that our Heavenly Father and Savior love us and want nothing more than for us to be happy and to return to live with them. I know that is why they have set up this gospel and given us so many opportunities and guidance to succeed. I am grateful for all of these blessings and I have all the conviction of my heart that everything I have said is true!

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